The first of three posts on "Go and make disciples."
Key Scripture Passage
"Therefore go and make disciples..." - Matthew 28:19a
It's the beginning of the year. Imagine that the CEO of your company has called all of the employees together to announce big news - the company is going to be undertaking a demanding but extremely rewarding initiative that will change people's lives for the better. The CEO makes it very clear - this is all hands on deck and will take total dedication and resources. You get particularly excited when the CEO turns and identifies you as one of the key people to take the lead in this.
Now imagine that a few months later, the CEO calls you into her office to ask how you are doing with this initiative, and you have done next to nothing. You can parrot back to her what she has asked you to do, and you can even tell her what others think about what she has asked you to do, but you simply haven't done it. How would that make you feel?
So, then, how do you feel about responding to Jesus' call for us to "go and make disciples"? Discipleship was Jesus' central strategy to accomplishing His mission of extending the kingdom of heaven to earth. He knew it would take disciples, not just believers, who would be willing to give up everything to make this happen. That's why He called us to not only be disciples, but to go and make disciples.
How many disciples have you made? How will you respond when CEO Jesus asks for your progress report?
Questions to Consider
Are you a true disciple of Jesus? Have you ever been discipled? Have you ever discipled someone else?
Actions to Consider
Take a little time to understand what Jesus really meant by discipleship. Click here for one good resource on this subject.