Monday, April 28, 2014

Shameless Audacity

The second of three posts on "When you pray, go into your room".

Key Scripture Passage
Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere.  Psalm 84:10a (NIV)

Do you remember the famous photo of JFK sitting at his desk in the oval office and his son, John Jr. on the floor peeking out from under the desk?  (Click here if you'd like to see it.)  Two thoughts immediately come to mind when viewing that photo.  “What is a toddler doing under the desk of the most powerful man in America?” And at the same time, “That little guy belongs right there playing at his father’s feet.”

The picture captures what I think Jesus is trying to teach in the parable of the friend at midnight who comes knocking and asking for a loaf of bread.  Jesus said, “because of your shameless audacity he will surely get up and give you as much as you need” (Luke 11:8).  Jesus’ point is that even though God is Almighty, we, His children, are welcome in His presence at any time.  The little John Kennedy Jr probably didn’t want anything more than to be close to his father.  And that’s exactly what God wants us to desire.  Jesus is calling us to simply be with Him.

Psalm 73:25 says, “Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you.”  I wish I could say that to God with complete sincerity.  But I want so many things here on earth, good things.  But even more than the good things that I often ask God for, He wants to give me the best thing – Himself, time with Him, His presence in my life.

The Luke 11 passage goes on to say, “Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”   The verse doesn’t say “how much more will your Father in heaven give you fish and eggs and other goodies”.  It says He will give us the Holy Spirit because God knows that is the best gift imaginable.  That’s what we really need and what we should really desire. So, with shameless audacity let’s go often in that quiet room and be with our Almighty, Eternal, Holy, Unchanging, All-powerful, All-wise, All-knowing, Sovereign, Gracious, Merciful, Faithful God.  We belong there, sitting at His feet, not needing to ask for anything, and discovering that one day in His courts is truly better than a thousand elsewhere.

Questions to Consider
Who do you have in heaven other than God? What on earth do you desire that keeps you from spending time simply enjoying God’s presence?

Action Step for the Week
Set aside 30 minutes in your week ahead to be alone with God.  Spend time appreciating how amazing our Father is.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A Frequent Encounter with Royalty

The first of three posts on "When you pray, go into your room".

Key Scripture Passage
"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."  Matthew 6:6 NIV

I still find it difficult to believe to this day.

We were visiting Buckingham Palace for the changing of the guard.  A sudden buzz came across the gathered crowd when news broke out that the Queen Mother's motorcade would soon be passing.  Sure enough it came, but to everyone's surprise, it stopped.  The car door opened, and out stepped the Queen Mother herself.  Much to my amazement, she approached me, called me by name, and asked if I would step into the Palace with her for a private meeting.  I forgot all about my busy schedule that day and humbly followed with a sense of honor I had never felt before.  Imagine - the Queen Mother wanted a private meeting with me!

Well, you can keep it to your imagination because, of course, that story isn't true.  But an even more amazing one is - the King of kings has invited me into a private meeting with Him whenever I choose to come!

Surely I would put aside my petty busy-ness and take advantage of such an amazing invitation as frequently as I could.  Or would I?  Do I?

Why don't I spend more time alone with God?  Is my busy-ness really that important?  Is it because I really don't comprehend who He is, value Him, and appreciate the invitation?  What reward am I missing out on because I don't develop this close intimacy with God?   How much more of the kingdom of heaven on earth could I experience here and now, and extend it to others, if I was only willing to accept the invitation and enter the room with the King of kings?

We'll explore these thoughts in the posts to follow.

Questions to Consider
How intimate are you with God?  Do you value Him so much that you are willing to regularly put everything else aside and spend time with just Him in your "room"?

Action Step for the Week
Set aside 30 minutes in your week ahead to be alone with God.  Ask Him "What do you have to say to me today, God?"  Then listen.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Have You Ever Heard About Microfinance?

The last of three posts on "Go back and report...what you hear and see."

Key Scripture Passage
Jesus replied, "Go back and report to John what you hear and see:  The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor.”  Matthew 11:4-5 NIV

"Have you ever heard about microfinance?"  Jackie called me out of the blue with that question.  I had never met her before, but she had been referred to me by our church's missions pastor and had the guts to give me a call and ask me that question.  She then proceeded to report to me what she had seen and heard about microfinance, and Christian microfinance in particular.  2 minutes into the conversation I was hooked, and my life has never been the same since.

What started with a simple question from a sister in Christ who had identified an effective means of empowering the materially poor turned into what is today PEER Servants.  She took a mustard seed step to make a call.  She put her concern about others before her concern of how I might see her.

It didn't stop there.  The fact is virtually all of PEER Servants' growth that has led to hundreds of volunteers offering thousands of hours of service, giving/raising millions of dollars, and extending more of the kingdom to hundreds of thousands of the materially poor has resulted from normal everyday people reporting what they are hearing and seeing.

While we praise God for the growth He has allowed, we also appreciate how much more of the kingdom of heaven needs to be extended to earth.  Let us not grow weary in our reporting what we are hearing and seeing, and as we report, let us make certain it is God, the One who has truly done the work, Who is receiving the glory for the lives that are being blessed.

Questions to Consider
How did you get involved in more intentionally extending the kingdom of heaven to earth?  Did it result from someone reporting to you what they had seen or heard?

Action Step for the Week
Identify just one example of how you have seen the kingdom of heaven being extended to earth and tell 2-3 people about it this week.