Sunday, February 16, 2014

Feeling underqualified?

The last of three posts on "Go and make disciples."

Key Scripture Passage
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  Matthew 28:19 NIV

My first thought when I read “Go and make disciples“ is to ask, “Lord how can I do that when I am hardly able to be a good disciple myself?” Then I read on to verse 20, “teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”  I know I don’t obey everything nor do I even know all that He commanded and I feel totally under qualified for this job. But as I read on Jesus reassures me “I am with you always”.

So how do we become disciples that feel qualified to “Go and make disciples?”

Well, we have to know the One whom we are disciples of.  Do I really know Jesus? Am I really a disciple? is the first question I ask myself.  What makes a person a disciple? The American Heritage Dictionary defines disciple as a noun meaning, one who embraces and assists in spreading the teachings of another; an active adherent, of a movement or philosophy. Am I embracing and spreading what Jesus taught? Am I actively adhering to the teachings and philosophies of Jesus in my daily life?

These questions begin to stir conviction in my heart because the answers are not "yes" as I know they should be. What am I to do, give up completely and say I am hopeless. I will never be good enough? Absolutely not.  Although that is what Satan whispers in my ear almost daily, I press on towards the goal.

I realize that the 5-10 minute devotional I’ve been doing whenever I can fit it in and the popcorn prayers are not enough if I really want to become more like the One whom I claim to be a disciple of. I must challenge myself; and begin reading the scriptures in a thoughtful way, not just to check it off my “to do” list.  I must really let the Holy Spirit speak to me through the words on the page. My prayer time should look more like Jesus’ -- set apart, purposeful, asking Him to show me ways that I can apply what He is teaching me in my life. Beware of what you ask the Lord because He is faithful.  Ask and you will receive.

Recently I have been coming up against all sorts of temptations since taking on a more intentional discipleship role. It is crazy how quickly Satan and our flesh try to dishearten us once we take steps toward moving from complacent Christianity to true discipleship. It is affirming when I have victory over these temptations. I see how I am applying His word to my life and how the Holy Spirit is strengthening me. With each passing day I realize it is not about the knowledge I possess but about the position of my heart. Am I bowed down to Jesus saying not my will but Yours Lord or am I living my life and fitting Jesus in?  Before we can go and make disciples we must determine in our own mind if we are really disciples of His and be honest with ourselves and God. It’s time to prepare for the mission at hand and say goodbye to half-hearted discipleship.

Questions to Consider
Are you embracing and spreading what Jesus taught? Are you actively adhering to the teachings and philosophies of Jesus in your daily life?

Action Steps for the Week
Read Revelation 3:15-17.  Confess and repent of lukewarm discipleship. Read the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and look for opportunities to obey everything Jesus has commanded.

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